We hold your address in two separate locations.
If you are an Advisor, you will need to follow both sets of instructions below to update your address in both locations. *If you need to add this to the Advisor Search, you can go to Advisor HQ/My Site Settings.
#1: For Customers and Advisors: we store your Billing and Shipping addresses in your Address book on the Creative Memories website under My Account.
- Log in to the Creative Memories website. Select your name and choose My Account.
- Choose Manage Addresses or Edit Address to update your billing and/or shipping address.
#2: For Advisors: there is also a Business address located in My Reports that needs to be kept up-to-date. This address is used by the Accounting team as well as your Upline when running reports for Team Information.
- Log in to the Creative Memories website. Select your name and choose My Reports.
- Once in My Reports, follow the path: My Account > My Profile > Business Address and update.