Congratulations on joining as an Advisor! When you sign up the first time, you are paying for a full year of Advisor status and the perks that come along with that sign up. If you want to continue, you can set your Vaulted Credit card to be "designated" for the auto renewal process. This is a fully automated process.
Your Renew By date is posted in your Mini Dashboard found on the My Reports page of your account. Your renewal period is considered the two weeks leading up to your Renew By date. So for example: If your Renew By date is May 15, your renewal period will be May 1-May 15. Our automated process will send you an email alerting you to your upcoming renewal and remind you to check on the credit card you have designated in case there are any updates that need to happen. This will be done one week prior to the renewal period (in the example, April 24th your email would go out to remind you of the upcoming renewal period).
When your renewal processes, you will be charged the annual fee and earn CM Credits that will be good for 1 year from the date of your processed renewal. If there are any issues processing your renewal we will email you and let you know. You can then check with your credit card company to resolve any possible issues or update your card that is vaulted.