Creative users may choose to use a digital scrapbooking software to create their page, export it, then order it through the Custom Refill Pages. Below are tips to help create a successful product. There are many variations of software, so before ordering, be sure to review your order carefully.
- When using another program to design your pages, you will need 32 pages to create a 16 page pack of Custom Refill Pages (we print double-sided).
- When creating a new project, set your “Custom Page Size” to be 12.25 x 12.25 inches. This will give you a 12x12 page with a .125 trim area on all sides that matches the settings in our Custom Refill Pages.
- Always design your pages at 300dpi.
- When exporting files, it is recommended use the highest quality setting in a jpg format. This will produce a larger file size that will take extra time to upload into the designer, but this will also produce a higher quality image printing. You can export smaller file sizes that will load faster into the designer, but this may reduce the quality of the image when printing.
- When uploading your image to our Designer, use the Full Page Photo Pages Theme.
If you use Artisan software, these two videos will assist you to successfully create your Custom Refill Pages:
How to Export Pages from Artisan and Upload them to the Creative Memories Designer:
How to Create a Custom Size 12.25x12.25 Product in Artisan: