Queue-It is a tool that Creative Memories uses on our website to modulate the volume of traffic on product and promo launch days. It does that by creating a virtual line. If you are in line, you will be shown a waiting time which estimates when you will be able to enter the website.
The “event” is when the main queue begins. On launch days at 11:30am CT, the pre-queue page will display. At noon CT, the main queue will begin, and visitors will receive a randomly assigned place in the queue to enter the site along with an estimated wait time.
Visitors reaching the site after noon CT will be directed to the queue page and given a spot at the end of the queue. Once traffic has subsided, the CM team will disable the queue.
The Queue-It tool will step you through the process if you follow four simple steps on a launch day.
- Visit the Creative Memories Website.
- When you are placed in a queue, stay attentive to your wait time.
- When it is your turn to shop, stay active.
- When you have completed your purchase, log out and close your browser to end your turn and allow others to shop.
Q: Will I need to go through a queue to enter the site all the time?
A: No. Typically it is only the first few hours on a launch day (1-2 times/month) that traffic reaches high enough volumes to activate the queue.
Q: If I’m on the site and the queue starts, will the system remove me from the site?
A: Yes, you will be redirected to the queue page(s), which will be turned on 30 minutes before noon CT on launch days.
Q: While in the queue, is there anything I should avoid?
A: Yes. You will not want to clear your cookies, refresh your browser, nor use your back arrow in the tab session of your browser of the queue page. More than 3 redirects will result in losing your spot in the queue and sending you to the back of the queue line.
Q: Once I have gone through the queue, and have been sent to the site, can I place multiple orders?
A: Yes, once directed from the queue you can remain on the site as long as you like. As long as you don’t remain idle on the site for over 10 minutes, you will not be redirected back to the queue.
In fairness to other visitors, we ask that once you are finished shopping during launch days, you log out of your account and close your browser tab session. This will allow the team to have an accurate view of the demand on the site and adjust settings appropriately.
Q: If I am logged into my desktop computer and need to leave, can I switch to my phone and keep my spot?
A: The queue is device specific. If you need to switch to another device, you will start over in the queue.
Q: Once I have been through the queue and am on the CM site, is there anything I should avoid?
A: Yes. You do not want to clear your cookies as this is a cookie-based system. If you clear cookies while the queue is active, you will be sent back to the queue.
Q: If I open a new tab on the same browser will I keep my place in the queue?
A: Yes, but remember you have 10 minutes to enter the site when it is your turn. If you step away from your computer or open other tabs, you’ll want to check back often to ensure you don’t miss your 10-minute window. (Some browsers/devices will create an audible “ding” when it is your turn to enter the website.)
Q: The screen says that the queue has been paused. What does that mean?
A: It means that the site has reached the maximum number of visitors allowed at one time. Once the number of users on the site goes down, the queue will resume. Only visitors currently in the queue will see the “paused” notice.
Q: Do I lose my place in line if my phone goes into sleep mode or I close my browser?
A: You will not lose your place in line if you close your browser or if your phone is in sleep mode. However, please note that you have 10 minutes to access the website once it is your turn.
Q: Does being in the queue guarantee that I get the promo or launch day product?
A: Products are decremented from inventory at the time of checkout. So, like having an item in your cart, securing a place in the queue does not guarantee that the item you want will be available. The Home Office Team will notify Advisors in advance of any limited edition or other lower-quantity items the Friday before a launch.